To see in the area

Phone: +49-(0)40-41494753; +49-(0)175-1677567
Numero di stanze/Rooms: 4 appartamenti
Chiusura/Closed: 15/10 – 15/05
Prezzo/Price: da – from € 70
Discover the real Italy- far away from your every day routine!
In 1997, as we were travelling through Spain we made a decision: one day we wanted to live permanently in Southern Europe.
We fell in love with this unique part of Italy nearly 10 years later. It was a summer evening and fireflies were projecting a magic glow on the small farmyard.
This is how La Lucciola, which simply means Firefly, acquired its name. Today we love to welcome guests who appreciate exactly the kind of holidays we like: an individual atmosphere typical to the countryside and the farms history which offers a lot of peace and quiet and room for recreation.
The property is more then 100 years old and used to be a farm, which is still obvious from the grapevines, peach, apple, fig and cherry trees.
A pool is situated on the property but it still leaves a lot of room for other outdoor-activities.