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Point of interest

Emperor Frederick II spent his childhood  here!
A legend claims that Monte Roberto derives its name from Roberto il Guiscardo (1015-1085), while  an historical document  of 1079 reports that Roberto was probably a  Longobard  feudal layman, a "lord of the place”.
Monte Roberto became a real castle only in the course of the thirteenth century.
Visit the ancient Planina ,mentioned by Pliny the Elder, near St. Apollinare Abbey. Important ruins were visible up to the XVIII and XIX centuries: in 1881 a necropolis Piceno (VI century BC) was found in Noceto district and  the remains which were then brought to light are now kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Ancona. Do not miss them!
In 1219 Monte Roberto was already part of the County of Jesi until its split in 1808.
Have a walk along G. Leopoardi Street, then the “Borgo”, the historical centre which developed in the XVII and XVIII centuries.
Downstream from Monte Roberto, you can visit Pianello Vallesina which had a remarkable increase  in the last sixty years. It is partly divided with the municipality of Castelbellino and it initially grew around the church of Santa Maria del Trivio dating from the XVII century.
Do not forget to visit the church of St. Benedict built in 1921 – 1925.


Cupramontana, S. Marco, Calapina, Castelbellino, Monteroberto, Maiolati Spontini, Cupramontana

Distance:  km 14

Time advised: 75 minutes

Difficulty: easy


Starting from the parking in front of Colonnara winery, take the road for the historic centre.

Just before arriving at Cupramontana, follow the signs indicating the cemetery . In front of the cemetery, take the avenue on the left . Go through San Marco street and turn left until  reaching a junction , then turn right and take the white road.  The path  becomes flat only for a short distance, then  it is narrow again and turns on a slight slope. Turn left and right; at the bottom of a  steep slope cross the farmland and then right up to a bar. From here proceed along an old house until reaching a white road.

Follow the steep path to the right (Calapina Street), after about  100 metres turn left and follow the main road  for about 500 metres until the junction with the big oak tree. Go straight on for about 100 metres and turn left uphill just before the descent. At the junction take the flat road on the right passing through a fence and a wash-tub and climb up to a big villa with a park; straight down until reaching the tarmac road (S.P. Castelli di Jesi).

Follow the left road that leads to Castelbellino. When you join the village, just before the last houses, turn right uphill to Monteroberto (approx.  800 metres). Then right under the castle  walls and go straight up to the Provincial Road (S.P.).

At the junction turn to the right arriving at Maiolati Spontini. Go through the village and take the white road on the left. Continue until you come back to the Provincial Road and follow the signs indicating Cupramontana. After about  1,5 km  you are again at  the point of departure.






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Via Nazario Sauro, 1

60034 Cupramontana (AN)