Tour Archive

Cupramontana, S. Marco, Calapina, Castelbellino, Monteroberto, Maiolati Spontini, Cupramontana
Distance: km 14
Time advised: 75 minutes
Difficulty: easy
Starting from the parking in front of Colonnara winery, take the road for the historic centre.
Just before arriving at Cupramontana, follow the signs indicating the cemetery . In front of the cemetery, take the avenue on the left . Go through San Marco street and turn left until reaching a junction , then turn right and take the white road. The path becomes flat only for a short distance, then it is narrow again and turns on a slight slope. Turn left and right; at the bottom of a steep slope cross the farmland and then right up to a bar. From here proceed along an old house until reaching a white road.
Follow the steep path to the right (Calapina Street), after about 100 metres turn left and follow the main road for about 500 metres until the junction with the big oak tree. Go straight on for about 100 metres and turn left uphill just before the descent. At the junction take the flat road on the right passing through a fence and a wash-tub and climb up to a big villa with a park; straight down until reaching the tarmac road (S.P. Castelli di Jesi).
Follow the left road that leads to Castelbellino. When you join the village, just before the last houses, turn right uphill to Monteroberto (approx. 800 metres). Then right under the castle walls and go straight up to the Provincial Road (S.P.).
At the junction turn to the right arriving at Maiolati Spontini. Go through the village and take the white road on the left. Continue until you come back to the Provincial Road and follow the signs indicating Cupramontana. After about 1,5 km you are again at the point of departure.