Tour Archive

Distance: km 15
Time advised: an hour and a half
Difficulty: medium
From Piazza Kennedy (Kennedy Square) follow via Trieste (Trieste Street) for about a kilometre and after the third “stop” turn left towards the Vecchia Fornace (Old brick factory).
Take the gravel road alongside the fishing lake until you reach the tarmac road; then turn left and shortly after turn left again onto the white road that leads you back to town.
Turn right and join the S.S. 76; turn left and then right taking the road that leads to the motorway.
Having crossed the level-crossing and the bridge over the River Esino, proceed along the road for about 3 km; then turn left and climb up to Maiolati Spontini.
When you join the village, turn to the left for Colle Celeste.From here go back to the tree-lined avenue and turn right towards the descent.At the junction turn left and join the long descent called Boccolina.
Once crossed the bridge over the River Esino, turn right towards the Vecchio Rotone.
Then turn left and follow the road on the left crossing a small bridge. Go through the railway subway and join the S.S. 76 again. Turn left and you are easily back to Piazza Kennedy.