Tour Archive

Cupramontana, Follonica, San Paolo di Jesi and Staffolo
Distance:  km 21 Time advised: 4 hours (on foot); an hour (by car) Difficulty: medium   From the archaeological area in Cupramontana, take the road which leads to Follonica, San Paolo un
Maiolati Spontini
Distance:  km 21 Time advised: 3 hours (on foot); an hour (by car) Difficulty: easy   Starting from Santa Maria alle Moie Abbey, follow the road towards San Sisto and visit its Abbey;&nb
Poggio San Marcello and Montecarotto
One of the most stunning natural and environmental gems in Ancona! Located between Poggio San Marcello and Montecarotto where the stream Fossato meets its tributary forming a Y. This natural paradis
Castelplanio and Rosora
Distance:  km 5 Time advised: 75 minutes to go up, 45 minutes to go down Difficulty: easy   Explore the wet route of the Black Crab on foot or on the saddle of a mountain bike, starting from
Moie, Maiolati Spontini, Colle Celeste, Boccolina, Vecchio Rotone, Moie
Distance:  km 15 Time advised: an hour and a half Difficulty: medium   From Piazza Kennedy (Kennedy Square) follow via Trieste (Trieste Street) for about a kilometre and after the third
Cupramontana, Pian della Casa, Apiro, Fosso dell' Ubriaco, Cervara, Valcarecce, Colognola, S. Pietro, Staffolo, San Paolo, S. Michele, Cupramontana
Distance:  km 35 Time advised: 3 hours Difficulty: difficult   Starting from the parking in front of the cellar Colonnara and following the signs indicating the historic centre, take the
Cupramontana, S. Marco, Calapina, Castelbellino, Monteroberto, Maiolati Spontini, Cupramontana
Cupramontana, S. Marco, Calapina, Castelbellino, Monteroberto, Maiolati Spontini, Cupramontana Distance:  km 14 Time advised: 75 minutes Difficulty: easy   Starting from the parking in
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Cupramontana – San Paolo di Jesi - Staffolo

Distance:  km 21

Time advised: 4 hours (on foot); an hour (by car)

Difficulty: medium


From the archaeological area in Cupramontana, take the road which leads to Follonica, San Paolo until Staffolo.

Along the route,  you can visit the ancient Roman aqueduct  of Cupramontana (also called “Barlozzo” referring to the sect  “Fraticelli”) and  the medieval church of San Michele.

Not far from it , the vineyards of Follonica give birth to one of the best Verdicchio doc wines. 

The ancient castle of Follonica is famous for  its mysterious and legendary events.

At Contrada Battinebbia you can find the Vulcanelli di Fango (small volcanoes of mud) and a precious source rich in minerals, called “Acquasalata”, renowned for its miraculous and therapeutic properties.

Passing through San Paolo di Jesi, you can easily reach Staffolo where its Museo del vino (Wine museum) houses a wide collection of artifacts of winemaking tradition.






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Fax. +39 0731778750

Via Nazario Sauro, 1

60034 Cupramontana (AN)